The Red Sox are 59-63 and in fourth place in the AL East. They are struggling to score runs and their pitching has been less than bargained for-both similar attributes to their collapse last September. Flashback: On August 31st 2011, the Red Sox were 83-52 and heading for a playoff spot under Francona. Then September hit...Boston's worst nightmare. They went 7-20 in the last month of the season, blowing a 9 game lead in the AL East- the worst collapse in baseball history-and missed the playoffs altogether. Terry Francona subsequently resigned after reports surfaced that he had "lost control" of the team and that many of the players, including starting pitchers Josh Beckett and Jon Lester, were drinking beer and eating chicken in the clubhouse during the game. Boston hoped to put that "season to forget" behind them coming into 2012, but instead, encountered more of the same with Valentine as manager. Players are refusing to play for him and have expressed their displeasure with him as manager.
The players, however, are singing a different song. On July 26th, a players-only meeting was called to discuss the state of the team. Initial reports said that the team had asked for Valentine's job in the meeting, but second baseman Dustin Pedroia came to his team's defense, trying to explain the real meaning behind the meeting. "We try to play baseball the right way. I don't think Bobby should be fired. We haven't played well."
So, in my opinion, Valentine is not totally to blame. Red Sox players just seem to be quitters who don't want to work for the success they long for. The Red Sox have a long history of players quitting, no matter the manager: Josh Beckett, John Lester, Kevin Youkilis and Manny Ramirez to name a few. Sure, Valentine may not be doing the job they'd hoped for, but the team's woes should not fall entirely on him. The same team quit on Francona-no doubt a great manager and the only Boston Red Sox manager to win a World Series in over 90 years. The players owed their success, and for some, their careers to Francona and they still quit on him. So, Francona wasn't the problem and neither is's the players. So, we must ask the question: If these players wouldn't play for Francona, is there anyone they will play for?